Smallwood Academy's Mission Statement

 The school community of Smallwood Academy exists to promote the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of its students; which, in turn, will allow them to become life-long learners and responsible contributing members of society. 


Important dates to remember

Friendly Reminders:

School Visitors

Anyone visiting the school for any reason must sign-in at the main office.


Parents/Guardians need to contact the school to report an absence.  Any student(s) who arrive after 8:55am may be marked absent. Students must sign out if leaving prior to dismissal. A staff member must be in contact with a parent or guardian prior to the student leaving the building. 

Pick up and Drop off 

Parking this year follows the Drop and Go procedure at our front parking lot.  Buses will stop at the side entrance to the school.  Pick ups will also happen at the front entrance.

Upcoming Events

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