
KinderStart/Kindergarten Online Registration is scheduled for Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 14, 2024.  See the link to the left for more information and how to register your child. 

School Development Family Surveys

Click the button above to complete this year's school development family survey. 

These surveys give us the opportunity to know how you feel and to improve our school culture, climate, education. It is an opportunity for your voices to be heard. 

At Smallwood we pride ourselves on having strong family-school partnerships and relationships. Completing this survey is your way of ensuring we continue to foster a positive relationship. 

The survey is anonymous, which means that we cannot connect your survey responses to you. We encourage everyone to participate so that we have the most accurate representation of family perceptions at your school. 

If you are unable to complete this survey at home or need assistance feel free to call the school. 

The surveys are open from now until March 15, 2024