Six of our students from Smallwood Academy have been chosen to partake in the Trail of the Caribou this summer in France and Belgium.

Four of our six SWA students are from grades 8 and 9.  They have been selected for the Historic Sites Ambassador Program where they will travel (at no cost to them) to France and Belgium to participate in a First World War battlefield tour, visiting significant sites where the Royal Newfoundland Regiment fought.  It is an honour and trip of a lifetime. Ms. Broders would like to send huge congratulations and big praise to them and to all the students that participated, knowing that each student did outstanding work displaying great learning and great attitudes.  Way to go! Thanks to the Historic Sites Association for offering such an amazing and life changing opportunity to students. It grows their love of learning, travelling, and adventure.  

Mackenzie Quinonez and Alexa Sturge of our graduating class at SWA were also selected by The Royal Canadian Legion Poster and Literary Contest to travel to France and Belgium this summer for the 2024 Trail of the Caribou! Thanks to the Legion for offering this wonderful opportunity. Way to go Mackenzie and Alexa.  

These six students while from different grades will travel together to participate in this once in a lifetime trip. 

Way to go Panthers! We are so proud of you! 

We would also like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Broders. This project has been very important to her throughout the years and we certainly would not see the number of students from our school attending the Trail of the Caribou without her efforts.  So thank you Ms. Broders for the work you do each year too help remember and recognize the soldiers and their valiant efforts.  

Below are pictures of the students attending and an interview they were a part of last week with Becky Daley from NTV news. 

Mackenzie Quinonez - Grade 12

Alexa Sturge - Grade 12 

From left to right 

Griffin Neal, Jackson Lush, Summer Bennet, Ella Paul